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Classes are conducted in a relaxed, low stress environment, by highly-qualified instructors.  All classes are time in the saddle riding, no boring lectures in a classroom.

All Classes with 6 or more riders will be taught by 2 or 3 Certified Police Motor Instructors.

Maximum Class Size:

12 participants maximum (we are very strict on class size, and classes do fill up quickly)
No seat will be reserved without payment in full.

8 hr Advanced Riders Class - $200.00

4 hr Precision & Control- $150.00

4 hr Defensive Riding Course- $150.00


Ask about our Discounts for Groups,

Active Duty Military, Veterans, Police, Fire & Medics

Advanced Skills Course

This is an 8 hour, challenging course. It is a combination of the Precision & Control Course and the Defensive Riding Course. This is for the rider that wants it all! This course will allow riders to learn how to better handle their personal motorcycle on the road and at low speeds. This program will incorporate the techniques learned and mastered by police motorcycle officers, and will improve the riding abilities of even the most seasoned rider. At the end of the course, participants will receive a successful completion certificate, as well as a refined skill set and newfound confidence. Some of the exercises practiced in this course include: Slow Cone Weave, Lane Change, Off-Set Weave, Single & Double 360, Iron Cross, Straight line braking, Brake & Evade, Rear End Crash Avoidance.... Plus More!

Defensive Riding Course

This is a 4 hour, advanced course that will better prepare riders to anticipate hazardous road situations and react to them quickly, safely, and effectively. This program will incorporate techniques learned and mastered by police motor officers, and will improve the riding abilities even the most seasoned operator. At the end the course, participants will receive a completion certificate as well as a refined skill set and new found confidence. 

Precision & Control Course

This is a 4 hour, advanced course that will better prepare riders to handle their motorcycles with precision & control at low speed and in confined spaces, such as crowded parking lots, limited space turnarounds, and slow moving traffic. This program will incorporate techniques learned and mastered by police motor officers, and will improve the riding abilities even the most seasoned operator. At the end the course, participants will receive a completion certificate as well as a refined skill set and new found confidence.


Private Group & Private Lessons

The private lesson and private groups or ladies only classes are only available upon request. They can be conducted at our facility or any other suitable location. Contact us for special group discount for these options.

Riders will...

"Bond" with their personal motorcycles and familiarize with the bike's full capabilities and limitations
• Learn and practice low-speed techniques that are perfect for those pesky parking lots and tight turnarounds (no more duck walking, so you can impress your friends, or passenger).
• Practice braking, evasive maneuvers, and hazard avoidance exercises that may save your ride and hide from serious damage, injury or death.


Intended Audience:

This course is intended for experienced motorcycle riders, who have a firm grasp of the basic skills of operating a motorcycle, but desire to become a better, safer, and more confident rider. This is a challenging course, so riders must have physical stamina to withstand a full day on the range.



• Motorcycle endorsement on license
• Ownership of a motorcycle: cruiser, touring, sport, dual-purpose (must be street legal).
• Motorcycle must have:
    – Valid registration
    – Valid inspection (where applicable)
    – Valid insurance coverage

    – Must be in safe operating condition in order to take the class
• Intermediate rider skill level
• Rider safety gear, to include:
    – DOT approved helmet
    – Eye protection
    – Above-the-ankle boots - high top sneakers  are not acceptable
    – Gloves (must be full-fingers)
    – Durable, long pants - no holes, no athletic pants of any kind

    – Long sleeve sturdy jacket. (needed for the higher speed evasive maneuvers  exercises)

You will not be permitted to take the class if you do not have the proper riding gear.

Most classes held at:

Delaware County Emergency Services Training Center
1600 Calcon Hook Road
Sharon Hill, PA 19079 

Copyright 2014-2024 ProRider Motorcycle Training
All rights Reserved

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